Dedicated to serving Cooperative member districts to meet the comprehensive education needs of students with disabilities.

The Missoula Area Education Cooperative and its 15 member school districts provide special education and related services to students with disabilities, from three through age 19. All member school districts comply with state and federal requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA or IDEA).

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Who We Are


Cooperative Preschool

The program serves students with disabilities, ages 3-5.

Related Service Providers

Related Service Providers

MAEC employs a wide range of professionals who provide special education related services to cooperative member school districts.



Our administrative team consists of the Cooperative Director and the Business Manager. 

Find Us

Finding us in the North Reserve Business Center

Once you turn into the North Reserve Business Center, you will see the map billboard straight ahead showing all the buildings. The Cooperative office is in the "I J" building. When you look immediately to your left, you will see a tan and green building with our black sign near the capital letter "I" on the corner.

The Cooperative office is located in the "I" section of this building, on the first floor, in suite I-2.